Game on. Here we go with Part 2 of 3 of “A Year of Self Care in Review.” I loved hearing which of the 2018 Fuzzy Red Socks articles resonated the most for you and here’s a chance to review 7 more that might have been your favorite.

Didn’t find one for you? Didn’t have time? Here’s another chance to make self care matter in the new year. Pick a title, click on the link, then comment at the end of the article to let me know how you might incorporate it into your 2019.

I can’t wait to see what you choose.

  • Less Stress Is Best – Most of us probably don’t need to answer a bunch of questions to know our lives are filled with more stress than we’d like. But what we may not know is that simple self care techniques can go a long way towards a less stressful life. Less Stress Is Best
  • Surrender Into Self Care – In this day of self-empowerment and all the talk of being strong and taking charge, it’s often difficult to even speak the word surrender. But I believe it takes a lot of courage to surrender. And surrendering has been a huge part of my self care journey. It’s when I surrender that I feel the calmest, the most relaxed, the most at peace. Surrender Into Self Care
  • Set Your Day Up For Success – How do you start your day? Do you rush out of bed after pushing the snooze button a few times and leave no time for breakfast? Create your own routine for starting your day. All you need is a willingness to set aside 10-15 minutes first thing in the morning that allows you to be grateful, take stock in your life or just prepare to make the day your best one yet. Set Your Day Up For Success
  • Smile More – By choosing to smile, happy changes start to occur automatically, both internally and externally. Great power lies in a random smile, so long as you choose to share it with the world. Something to Smile About
  • Find Peace Within – Once we resolve to discover the peace within ourselves, we can extend that peace to the world around us. Peace Begins With Me
  • Play More, Work Less – Fun is important at any age, but can be even more beneficial as we grow older. The very things associated with it – laughter, levity, enjoyment, diversion – can act as antidotes to stress, depression and anxiety. Play More Work Less
  • Use Rituals to Reduce Stress – Rituals are tools that give us the freedom to take responsibility for the direction and purpose of our lives. Our task is to seize and shape this freedom—consciously, deliberately, and joyfully. Find Peace in Rituals
  • To explore more ideas for self care go to Fuzzy Red Socks

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