black cord bracelet wrapped around a gold token with balance stamped on it

“We become what we think about.”

– Earl Nightingale

It’s that time of year again and part of my self care journey has included creating a word (or words) of the year. This is an intention to guide me for 365 days toward my better self.

The power of intention has been proven to be a game changer in getting what you want in life. In order to have your best life, first you have to know what it is you want. Then you have to create a plan to get it and stay focused on the plan.

“A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power.”

– Brian Tracy

The first few years I came up with a word, I would rarely remember that I had done it. But once I truly started to incorporate it into my life, I loved seeing how the word would actually support me and my goals. I used to wear a rubber band on my wrist to remind me that I had a word. Now I wear my word on my wrist so I can be reminded all the time.

And the good people at the MyIntent Project have a fabulous way to help me do just that.

For the first 5 people who comment below with their word of the year, I will make your personalized MyIntent bracelet and mail it to you.

Last year my word was listen. Focusing on that word helped me be a better listener and made me realize that I don’t have to fill in where there is silence. In fact, not jumping in with my own stories and truly listening to what the other is saying is huge. There’s no need to be thinking about what to say next. This has also helped me learn that I don’t need to have all the answers. What a relief to know I can truly be present for my friends and family without needing to solve all the problems.

For the first 5 people who comment below with their word of the year, I will make your personalized MyIntent bracelet and mail it to you.

This year I have chosen two words, playfully trust. I want to trust my own resourcefulness. I want to trust that the situation I am currently worrying about will work itself out. And I want to have fun while doing it. I’d like to take things less seriously and lighten up. Life is too short to be spending so much time worrying. Just writing that gives me peace. suggests some questions to help find your word.

  • Who do you want to be and what virtue do you want more of in your life?
  • What is a challenge you want to overcome and what do you need to overcome it?
  • Name something you are passionate about and want to do more.

What do you want more of in your life this year that would make you your best self? Come up with something that would help you have more meaningful conversations and live your life with purpose and passion. What would help you take better care of yourself and support your self care journey? Just comment below and share your word of the year.

For the first 5 people who comment below with their word of the year, I will make your personalized MyIntent bracelet and mail it to you.

Go to My for more information about this very meaningful non-profit. Go to Fuzzy Red for more self care tips.

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