Remember my Top 100 List (of ways to pamper myself)? I just added going on a retreat to that list. I recently returned from a women’s retreat in Minnesota where twelve women came together from across the U.S. and Canada to delve more deeply into self compassion, our strengths and our purpose. For four days we challenged ourselves to look …
Making Meditation Matter
John Kabat-Zinn reminds us that meditation is simply “paying attention” and that paying attention is the first step to living more mindfully and learning to reduce stress. In his book Full Catastrophe Living Mr. Kabat-Zinn teaches us that through meditation we can learn how our own mind works and how often our mind is thinking about the past or the …
Who Are You Really?
I often struggle with trying to fit in and making everyone else happy. I’m a people pleaser and it has taken me years to figure out my light is brightest when I am just being me rather than who I think people want me to be. I love finding new blogs to follow and The Happiness Bank in Australia (don’t you …
Take the Plunge
I realized the other day that my way of getting into a pool for the first swim of the day mirrored the way I do other things in my life. It takes me FOREVER to get up the nerve to “take the plunge” and I wondered what else I was putting off, drawing out and taking WAY too long to …
Finding the Open Space
One day a week I try to do a cleanse to give my body a break from all the things I put it through each week. I use a program called Isagenix, there are many others on the market, which has products to purify your body of the toxins it collects from food, water, even the air we breathe. On …