Believe You Must Nourish to Flourish “Food is fuel and
We need to stop believing we don’t matter and start replenishing our minds, bodies, and spirits.
Are you storing as much goodness as you can in this time of a pandemic? Are you filling your goodness container with positive affirmations, kind and loving thoughts, and are you pampering yourself?
The power of intention has been proven to be a game changer in getting what you want in life. In order to have your best life, first you have to know what it is you want, create a plan to get it, then stay focused on it.
Singing is a great tool to be added to your self care tool box because it has multiple physical, mental and spiritual benefits.
Giving away your personal power robs you of mental strength. Making a conscious choice to take back your power is key to being in control in your life.
A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else.
Staying positive can be a huge help in our self care journeys. I know it’s hard sometimes, but those are the times you most need to be positive. A tool I use to stay positive is an attitude of gratitude.
Namaste means paying homage or showing respect to one another. It tends to be defined as some derivation of, "The divine in me bows to the divine in you."
Robin Oliveira recently wrote an article for the Wall Street